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Are you ready to give yourself the gift of Vibrant Energy?


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Qi Gong Awakens


In Qi Gong Awakens, you will be introduced to healing breath and movements plus profound spiritual lessons.


Qi Gong Awakens: Always Living in Vibrant Energy unlocks and makes accessible the wisdom of one of the most powerful of Chinese healing arts. Himself a wise physician and healer, Paul L. Hannah MD reveals the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical principles of this ancient universal science of working with life energy. Paul L. Hannah, MD, provides a splendid effort to help integrate the principles and practice of Qi Gong with personally acquired insights into the multidimensional aspects of human existence. As a practicing psychiatrist, Paul L. Hannah MD goes well beyond considering only the physical body and explains to the readers how to separately examine the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of their existence. He shows how Qi Gong can help establish a functional harmony between these differing expressions of self.



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